Friday, April 1, 2011

Where Have I Been?

Wow! Haven't posted in forever. And 2010 was a BIG year. 

My daughter had a baby boy in April - the new love of my life. I know he's my grandchild and guess I'm biased, but he's certainly the most adorable baby I've seen in a long time!

I was laid off from my job at the end of September, and have been on unemployment since then.  It's a very difficult time to be out of work in the financial services industry, especially if you're older and well paid.   They can certainly hire someone much younger than me, for a lot less money.

On the positive side, it's a great time to practice my knitting!  I finished up so much in the past year - scarves, hats, baby sweaters and hats.  The baby things were really a huge hit.  I made both an apple and a pumpkin hat that my daughter loves.  I also made the "Sir Charles" cable hat from Knit Picks. That came out so great.  I find I really have enjoyed making hats because they're small, and I can learn an awful lot from making something complicated, yet small, so I don't get all that frustrated if I do mess it up!

Shortly after the baby was born we had to our our beautiful dog put to sleep. We loved him so much. He truly was the perfect dog. We'll miss him forever. No more dogs for me. Although I loved him dearly, not having a dog means more freedom and less cleaning. And unless I could be guaranteed a dog as wonderful as Quincy, I don't want one!

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